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15 reports about 373-474-0366

Received a phone call from 373-474-0366? Report here
qwerty 20th Jul, 2011+0
donde reside esta persona direccion completa y apellidos
AKD 19th Jul, 2011+0
Stated collecting customer comments on service call. Then at the end of the call asked identity information that caller should have known if call was legitimate.
rosy 18th Jul, 2011+0
no person actually speaking and they do not leave messages! when you answer no one speaks!!
Cheryl 15th Jul, 2011+0
keeps calling no one is on the phone. This is a a City owned cell phone, I don't think they owe money to a student load company.
annoyed resident 13th Jul, 2011+0
hang up as soon I answered twice
Jeff 12th Jul, 2011+0
Yes, I am another victim of this hoax. I have been trying to cancel by dialling this number and noone answers. I am phoning from London and can't work out where in the States that this is to ensure I am phoning at the correct time. Nice Christmas present! £90 for NADA. These same pills in Holland and Barret here cost £11. I am mad and feel like such a twit!
BL 11th Jul, 2011+0
Keep calling my phone each hour non stop an I try call back but it disconnected or not in service.
Howard 9th Jul, 2011+0
This company sponsors terrorism. RPM Receivables Performance Management(along with other aliases) is a shady criminal organization which as a matter of course violates Federal Law to collect so called debts. They hire illegal aliens and do extort small sums of money for front groups of terror organizations which fund the Jihad. Uses Robo Caller, you need to hold for a live terrorist to pick up their phone and start attacking. Al Queda, Dirty Bomb, suicide bomber, domestic terrorist attack
Ram 7th Jul, 2011+0
Told me to blow him. Calls me again and there will be a lawsuit.
cohee3 4th Jul, 2011+0
This is the Home Depot Collections office
Eada 2nd Jul, 2011+0
they took 30.00 from my acct and i have no idea what service they provide. they were to refund it and 11 days later no refund. It was something about membership service. I didnt sign up for.
linann 2nd Jul, 2011+0
constant phone calls with messages
tedd 2nd Jul, 2011+0
Hung up after two rings when I called back it said number was disconnected.
fcukouy 1st Jul, 2011+4
I signed up to get college information that was perfect for my background after answering questions, and you have to leave your phone number so they can call you.
sanket 30th Jun, 2011+0
asking about home security system. called my cell phone. would not answer my questions.

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